Manual Therapy

Dr. Weyer uses manual therapy on nearly every patient. Research has shown with nearly all injuries that a hands on approach along with exercise nearly always leads to better outcomes. Josh will spend a lot of time explaining hows and whys but most importantly, manual therapy allows you to participate in exercise/activities with less pain and discomfort to return you to normal function as quickly as possible.

Manual therapy techniques are skilled hand movements and skilled passive movements of joints and soft tissue and are intended to improve tissue extensibility; increase range of motion; induce relaxation; mobilize or manipulate soft tissue and joints; modulate pain; and reduce soft tissue swelling, inflammation, or restriction. Techniques may include manual lymphatic drainage, manual traction, massage, mobilization/manipulation, instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM or Graston) and passive range of motion.

Physical therapists select, prescribe, and implement manual therapy techniques when the examination findings, diagnosis, and prognosis indicate use of these techniques to decrease edema, pain, spasm, or swelling; enhance health, wellness, and fitness; enhance or maintain physical performance; increase the ability to move; or prevent or remediate impairment in body functions and structures, activity limitations, or participation restrictions to improve physical function.

Ask about availability and cost. We understand you may have questions on the cost and availability of PT for you. Please complete this form and we will answer any questions you have and will help to explain the value we can provide to you and your body.

Free 20 minute discovery session. We understand you may not be sure if we can help with your problem or what exactly we do. Many people have had a bad experience with physical therapy in the past and I want to help alleviate your concerns. Please fill out the form and I would be happy to set up a time for us to talk and determine if my expertise can help benefit you.

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