Exercise Prescription and Wellness

What is exercise prescription?

Exercise prescription commonly refers to the specific plan of fitness-related activities that are designed for a specified purpose, which is often developed by a fitness or rehabilitation specialist for the client or patient. Due to the specific and unique needs and interests of the client/patient, the goal of exercise prescription should be successful integration of exercise principles and behavioral techniques that motivates the participant to be compliant, thus achieving their goals.

Exercise prescription is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Finding the right exercise prescription for you will be the single biggest factor for reducing pain, improving well-being, and preventing further injury. This is individualized to each person and your therapist will give you a handout each visit with your exercise prescription to return you to a normal healthy pattern as time-efficient as possible.


What is wellness?

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth.

“…a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
– The World Health Organization

Maintaining an optimal level of wellness is absolutely crucial to live a higher quality life. Wellness matters. Wellness matters because everything we do and every emotion we feel relates to our well-being. In turn, our well-being directly affects our actions and emotions. It’s an ongoing circle. Therefore, it is important for everyone to achieve optimal wellness in order to subdue stress, reduce the risk of illness and ensure positive interactions.

Ask about availability and cost. We understand you may have questions on the cost and availability of PT for you. Please complete this form and we will answer any questions you have and will help to explain the value we can provide to you and your body.

Free 20 minute discovery session. We understand you may not be sure if we can help with your problem or what exactly we do. Many people have had a bad experience with physical therapy in the past and I want to help alleviate your concerns. Please fill out the form and I would be happy to set up a time for us to talk and determine if my expertise can help benefit you.

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